Residential Property Modifications That May Require More Insurance Coverage
Tailoring Home Insurance to Your Needs After Residential Upgrades
Carrying out upgrades to your house may require you to increase your insurance coverage. Review the sections below, and if you have carried out any such modifications, contact one of our agents in Houston, TX, to adjust your home insurance policy accordingly.
Structural Changes
All structural modifications that change your home’s design or size should be accurately recorded. These changes may increase your home’s value. Maintaining a list of all materials used will help determine the amount of insurance coverage required.
Water Features
If you’ve added a pool, a fountain, or any other major water feature to your property, it needs to be reported to your insurance company. The new addition could necessitate updating your home insurance policy, ensuring coverage against accidents, damage, and theft.
Security Devices
If you have installed new security devices either inside or on your property, keep a record of them. Enhanced security can protect your home from intruders. Smart technology could also shield you from unexpected weather events. So, when you’re ready to update your home insurance policy, include these upgrades.
New Systems
Installing a new HVAC, plumbing, or any other professionally fitted system on your property will add value. Including those systems in your insurance policy will cover the loss or damage if these systems ever get stolen, vandalized, or damaged.
Contact Outdoor Insurance Service
When you’re ready to adjust your insurance coverage, one of our Outdoor Insurance Services agents will be happy to serve you. The agent will arrange an appointment, during which you can update your home insurance policy.